Dear caregiver…

Jessica L. Williams
2 min readNov 30, 2021
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I can hear your heavy sigh, whether it’s from exhaustion or frustration or just plain old obligation, it communicates so much.

It’s your need to breathe, your need to let out the sadness, the anger, the unfairness, the heaviness.

And when that doesn’t work, you scream, you cry, you punch pillows, you walk, you do anything.
Because caring for them, while it might be the right thing to do
It is not easy.

And you struggle with the invisibility of it all
The multi-dimensionality
Because you’re not only caregiver, but parent, cook, housekeeper, errand person, and all the other roles you hesitate to mention, even to yourself.

In addition to your life, your work, your family, your responsibilities.

Yet somehow, you juggle it all and even when the tears come at night when you get those little moments to yourself, you still find the strength to persist

Because of the person you are and the person you want to leave behind

Sometimes you wish you were a bad person, that you could just shrug off the responsibility as others have.
Why does it have to be me? You sometimes ask.
Why indeed.



Jessica L. Williams

I run the #jesspicks newsletter and help clients start side hustles and find ways to use technology to work smarter.